Hello World!

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I am so happy to be here to be able to tell my story and hopefully be able to help others in the process! I am a 54 year old woman, married for 20 years (this is my 2nd marriage), I have 3 adult children (from my 1st marriage), 2 son-in-laws, and 3 beautiful grandchildren. I am an only child. I have been a RN for 22 years and I have been currently working in medical research (Phase I drugs) for the last 14 years.

I grew up with a domineering mother and an alcoholic father which definitely had a major impact on my whole life and personality. Not only growing up but as their only caregiver when I was in my 40’s. I was married, working full time out of the home, raising my three children and helping my Dad care for my Mom with Alzheimer’s. I was that sandwich generation, raising my kids and caring for my parents, at the same time. I feel like that was a blessing! I was able to help Dad keep my Mom in their home of 50+ years and she passed away with her family there in the comfort of her own home. The same for my father, I was able to bring him home from the hospital after he was diagnosed with acute leukemia and given 3-5 days to live. He lived 11 days and was able to live his last few days in his home with all of his family there.

I have so much more to talk about: how I overcome all the adversity and anxieties in my life and now how I’m dealing with aging! I will be posting weekly and each week will be a topic I have lived through or has happened to me. I will be discussing how this affected me and how I was able to get through these adversities and remain happy and loving life!

I look forward to hearing comments and feedback. If there is a certain issue regarding Alzheimer’s, Alcoholism, Anxiety, or Aging that you would like me to discuss, please fill free to reach out to me.

Welcome to my blog!

Love, Gigi

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2 thoughts on “Hello World!

  1. As a woman close to the same age battling 4 autoimmune diseases, I look forward to learning more about your journey and how you’ve handled what has been thrown your way. Thank you for sharing, and I have no doubt you’ll be able to help others.

  2. Hi Victoria! Thanks for reading my 1st post! I also have 2 autoimmune diseases that I was diagnosed with in my 40’s so I haven’t had to live with them my whole life but even the last 10 years has been trying! I am hoping that my story can inspire others and that others can see that you can still be happy and live your best life even with all the adversities that come your way in life! I signed up for your blog…..I can’t wait to read all you have to share!! -Gigi

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